The joyful music by gifted composer Paul Castle uses an inventive combination of rhythm, words and sound effects to encourage children to interact. Music written for children can sometimes be bland and formulaic but the Baba songs are original, beautifully written and arranged compositions, expertly performed.  The keynote of the series is World Music, embracing rhythms and themes from many cultures.

The Babas LOVE music!  It helps them express how they feel. A little downcast one day Baba Bear sings a slow ballad, but a few funny antics from Baba Monkey soon lighten his mood. Before we know it he is a “Baba Bear without a care as he boogies to the Latin sound of “The Froggy Hop”. Whenever the music starts up, the Babas ‘shimmy-shake’ and ‘wriggle-dance’ with gusto.  From Samba to Polka, from Reggae to Irish Jig - the Babas delight in all kinds of music from around

the world.  Many of the songs have accompanying easy-to-follow actions.

Here are just a few!

The Baba House songs

The Baba Song

The Froggy Hop

Breakfast time for Babas
Meet the Babas!The_concept.html
Watch the showWatchtheshow.html
Kids love 
The Babas!Kids_love_the_Babas.html
Hear the songs

MP3 download available to purchase from itunes and Amazon:

From the first few bars even the tiniest children just can’t keep still!

Liven up your little ones and get them moving with The Froggy Hop picture book.  Includes a free link  to the song.

In this fun, all-join-in picture book the endearing toddlers that are The Babas invite their audience to move and groove along with them in their Froggy Hop work-out!

If you can hop like a frog...Flap like a bird...Bounce like a kangaroo...or even just bop on the spot - Hey!  You’re doing The Froggy Hop!


Each copy comes with a link to a free download of The Froggy Hop song with its irresistible Latin beat and whizz-bang sound effects.  Audience tests have demonstrated that from the first few bars little ones just cannot keep still!

Length: 24 pages

Author: Paul Castle

Illustrations: based on

characters created by

Sam Childs.


Available from: